4 Truths I Didn't Learn in Church
Growing up, I attended all-white Church, all-white Sunday school, mostly-white church camp, all-white youth group, all-white Christian middle school, all-white Christian high school, and mostly-white Christian University.
The following is a list of four important truths I learned only after I realized my privilege as a White Christian.
1. Over-abundance is NOT from God.
- We're being brainwashed by the opposition to accumulate too much.
- You will experience the abundance your heart so desires once you sacrifice COMFORT.
- You will never regret reckless abandon of the material world.
2. God didn't create poverty
- God never intended for one group of people to live in superfluous inordinate wealth, while others live in abject deadening poverty. (MLK)
Pop Quiz:
Q: In which crisis do you exist: the obesity crisis or the starvation crisis?
Q: You have two pennies. How many are you called to give?
BONUS: What happens when you give both?
- We can't get fat while feeding the poor.
- You have been robbed of the truth if you believe Godliness is a means to financial gain. (Paul, 1st Timothy)
3. Your happiness is NOT indicative of God's plans for you life.
- If you learn to suffer faithfully, it doesn't feel like suffering.
- God doesn't care if you're happy or not. People {made in His image} are starving to death, do you think He cares more about you than them?
- Service is the best remedy for depression, self-loathing, apathy, and boredom.
- We're being distracted by the opposition to avoid acts of service.
4. God isn't waiting for you to be perfect.
- Paraphrasing Paul: there's a point to be a sinner; it's so God can show off his all-encompassing love. Someone might say- God loves that guy, so I bet He loves me, too.
- The above exhibition of God's love is invisible if you're judging the other guy.
- God can't do much with liars or cowards.
Tausha Pearson is a Social Worker, mama and the Executive Director of Haiti Mama, a non-profit working to empower forgotten mamas and children in Port au Prince Haiti.